Revolutionising Decision-Making: How Nucleoo Empowered Global e-Learning Expansion through Data-Driven Insights

Nucleoo helps an international e-Learning company to accelerate its business decision-making process.


The client aimed to boost its business growth while accelerating its global expansion but lacked an effective way of making accurate business decisions based on facts. The company did have multiple data sources in different formats but seriously struggled to get the insights needed to take proper action on critical areas of the business to achieve better performance. Its main focus of interest is the workload and performance of its international call centres managed by educational consultants.


To turn the e-Learning company into a fully data-driven business, we worked in 4 phases:

  • Data Ingestion: automated pipelines to most common applications, easy-to-use manual data loading.
  • ETL Process: advanced and highly automated data extraction, loading, transformation, cleansing, and analysis.
  • SSOT: creation of a data lake as a single version of the truth, natural language query.
  • Visualisation: sector knowledge drives the creation of templates, extensive knowledge library, algorithms, and clean data export.

We started simplifying, cleaning and homogenising the multi-source data collection as much as possible. It was key for us to succeed to really understand the internal logic of the client's heterogeneous business data, performing deep analysis and complex research. The Nucleoo’s data management platform provided an easily accessible place where:

  • Quickly load, manage and update its datasets of interest whenever it was needed.
  • Visualise all the custom reports elaborated including the business KPIs requested.


With Nucleoo’s data management platform, we provided key insights and valuable knowledge to support our client in its journey toward intelligent decision-making:

  • An ETL model that helped to clean, aggregate and unify its data while making it easier to understand and use its internal data logic for future scenarios.
  • An SSOT where the customer has access to all his datasets, reports, etc.., enabling decision-makers in the company to make informed decisions based on mutually accessible data.
  • Daily refreshed insights reports that facilitated its decision-making process in different areas such as Financing, Billing, Sales, and Operations.

Now the client has access to actionable insights like the best-selling courses and their evolution over time, the individual performance of the educational advisors and call centres, the amount of turnover (enrolments) or the conversion rate of leads that enter through the different websites (lead nurturing logic).

Tecnología empleada

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The client can now make informed decisions based on real-time data and accelerate their business growth while expanding globally.

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